SchoolJoy Nimo

Lifelong Learning & Workforce Development Platform for and of the Future.

Motivation - Knowledge - Experiences - Competencies - Recognitions

Empowering learners to build a purposeful life with agency.

Strengthening the foundation of learner-centered systems in all institutions.

SchoolJoy is more than "just another system." We are the perfect ecosystem of solutions for a resource-constrained environment.
We fell more in love with teaching as we built SchoolJoy and we can't wait to work with you to bring more joy into your classrooms.
We are your recruiting partner into the future. Let us bridge your needs with learning institutions so you can keep focusing on your core business.
Every child is the superhero of their story. The sooner we help them discover and use their superpowers the sooner they will learn to lead a life with purpose and joy.

SchoolJoy Nimo
Find Your Nimo

anima (latin)
a current of air, wind, breath, life, soul

Partner Highlights

green box